BruxZir® Solid Zirconia is the No. 1 prescribed brand of full-contour zirconia in North America. Providing a stronger and more durable cementable solution, BruxZir restorations can be used in almost any clinical situation and are an esthetic alternative to cast gold and metal occlusal PFMs.
The 3shape TRIOS intraoral scanner
Remarkable scan speed
Realistic colors
Documented accuracy
Patient Specific Motion to perfect your restorations
Dental Orthodontics, crown and bridge, surgical guides ,partial dentures are now advance into Digital Dentistry by using 3D printer.
Nearly invisible, Clear Transparent, High bio-compatibility, No effect on speech and laughter, Comfortable to wear,especially for adults, Aesthetic and custom-fit, Easy to clean and remove
Contact us
ShweDentiDental Clinic
No.37,U Chit Maung Road,BahanTownship,Yangon,
Shwegondine Hospital(SSC)No.7,
EastShwegonedine Road,BahanTownship,
DentalCareCenter ,No.133,WestHorseRaceCourseRoad,Bahan Township